Free Tuition Classes

Penang: "There is no such thing as free. There are always some strings attached the offers." Well we feel greatly honoured in proving those words wrong. This is because the youths of the centre have, through tedious preparations and help from the 'senior youths', launched the all new free tuition classes for the children of residents of the Macallum Street area and other deserving pupils. Unlike the previous format, now the tuition classes are conducted according to the syllabus. Previously the teachers used to help the students with their own work. Divided into three days in a week and held every fortnight, the tuition classes are picking up its momentum. The classes are being conducted in different age groups like kindergarten, Standards 1, 2 & 3, Standards 4, 5 & 6 and Forms 1 & 2. The three days in the week are as follows, divided into major school subjects. Bahasa Melayu on Mondays English on Tuesdays Mathematics on Thursdays. SAILINE
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